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发布时间:2022-12-29 浏览次数:


会议号:腾讯会议:446 689 733




报告人1陈研硕 8:05-8:35


Bust to another Bust: The Macroeconomic Effects of Households Assets Allocation

摘要:本文对本世纪初美国房地产泡沫的产生提出新的解释。本文发现2000年互联网泡沫破裂导致美国家庭减少对股市投资,增加对房地产投资,进而助长了房地产市场泡沫。由于这次房地产泡沫最终导致了次贷危机以及全球金融危机,所以本文创造性的将全球金融危机与互联网泡沫破裂内在的联系在了一起。进而表明,一次危机可能为下一次危机播下种子。同时,本文的理论模型解释了股市如何影响楼市,回答了Robert J. Shiller在《非理性的繁荣》当中提出的问题,即为什么房价和股价时而正相关,时而负相关。

During the early 2000s, the U.S. witnessed the Dot-com bubble crash and the housing boom. In this study, I propose a new explanation of the origin of the housing boom: the household asset allocation view. I argue that after the Dom-com bubble crash, households invested more in houses and invested less in stocks, which pushes up housing prices. First, I find that a decline in the stock market participation during 2001-2003 driven by the dot-com bubble crash increases housing prices immediately and in the medium term. Then, I study the micro-foundation of this finding. I find that the decline in the stock market participation during 2001-2003 increased investor share in the housing market and the purchases of primary residences by the young. On the theoretical part, I show that stock participation affects housing prices through two channels: the wealth effect and the flow-of-funds effect. The model quantitatively shows that stock market participation explains about 18 % of the U.S. real housing price growth during 2000-2006. The household asset allocation view endogenously connects the Global Financial Crisis with the Dot.com bubble crash. It indicates that one crisis may bury some seeds for another crisis.

报告人2曲晓睿 8:35-9:05


The Impact of Broadband Internet Expansion on U.S. Farmland Sale Prices

摘要:通过降低农场投入成本和减少信息不对称,宽带可以提高农场的盈利能力。本研究收集了美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)的宽带使用和网速数据以及FarmlandFinder公司超过两万多条的实时农地交易数据,运用Bartik (shift-share) IV的方法,发现宽带网速提升1Mbps, 农地交易价格增加0.9%Rotemberg weights分析强调了卫星网络对农地价格的影响。另外,我们对于Bartik IV方法中基于宽带技术份额的外生性假设的合理性做了多重验证,结果证明Bartik IV 有效地解决了宽带速度对农地价格影响中的内生性问题。

By reducing input costs and eliminating information asymmetries, broadband can increase farm profitability. Despite the increased focus on broadband internet as a key component of digital infrastructure, U.S. rural areas still have limited access to broadband. The farmland value of U.S. Connected rural households, especially those with higher speeds, may experience a premium. This study uses more than 20,000 parcel-level farmland sales data from FarmlandFinder to examine the effects of broadband internet expansion on farmland sale prices in the U.S. Midwest from 2016 to 2020. Using the Bartik instrument (shift-share design), we overcome the empirical challenge of endogeneity in broadband adoption. Our estimation results indicate that an increase in broadband internet download speed by 1 Megabits-per-second (Mbps) increases farmland sale prices by 0.9%. In addition, if the growth rate of the download speed increased by one percentage point, the growth rate of farmland value would increase by 0.734 percentage point. The Rotemberg weights analysis highlights the significance of satellite technology to the Bartik instrument. Two tests demonstrate the plausibility of the identifying assumptions for the exogeneity of technology shares and alleviate misspecification concerns.

报告人3杨瑶 9:05-9:35


Testing Rockets and Feathers Patterns with a Multivariate Quantile Approach: An Application to the Soybean Complex


AbstractOutput markets usually respond to input price changes asymmetrically, with prices rising faster than they fall, known as the rockets and feathers pattern. We expand the vector autoregressive quantile (VARQ) model by incorporating quantile cointegrating relationships to investigate such asymmetric pattern in conditional quantiles, with an application to two soybean end products, soybean meal and oil, that are jointly produced by crushing soybeans. Our study finds mixed evidence of price asymmetries, driven by different market conditions of end products. Specifically, the prices of end products respond more to input price increases rather than decreases when their own market is bullish but the other product’s market is bearish, conforming the rockets and feathers pattern at the extreme deciles of the price distributions.

报告人4张力派 9:35-10:05


Investigating the effect of urban digital development on corporate environmental investment——based on external monitoring activities


Environmental pollution is a by-product of economic construction and has significant negative externalities. According to the principles of "whoever pollutes, whoever is responsible" and "whoever develops, whoever controls", enterprises should actively participate in environmental activities and fulfill their environmental responsibility. But as environmental protection investment does not belong to economic investment, enterprises often lack sufficient willingness. Based on the "digital empowerment" perspective, this paper examines the impact of digital factors on enterprises' environmental investment behavior. It is found that by integrating technical elements into the traditional environmental supervision mechanism, the urban digital development can optimize the corresponding government regulation and public supervision process, alleviate the information asymmetry of the traditional supervision mode, promote enterprises to improve environmental protection investment from the pressure end, and realize the legitimacy recognition.

报告人5丁校洁 10:20-10:50


Research on the Economic Value of Digital Platform Content


With the rapid development of the Internet and information technology, a large number of consumer reviews have emerged on social media. Such online consumer reviews play an important role in reducing uncertainty and perceived risk in the purchase decision process for experienced products. Many previous empirical articles have found that online consumer reviews have significant impacts on product sales and business performance. However, the research is not enough theoretically and practically. From practical and theoretical perspectives, this report explores the heterogeneity in the influence of consumer reviews between firms with different reputation levels and between branded and non-branded firms.

报告人6马滔 10:50-11:20


Data privacy protection, pricing mechanism and social welfare analysis


The irreversibility and irreparability of data leakage make it an important way for enterprises to improve the level of product privacy protection. By incorporating the dimension of privacy protection into the classical Hotelling model, this paper constructs a multi-dimensional competition framework of duopoly enterprises under quality asymmetry to investigate the privacy protection decision-making and pricing strategy of enterprises. The study found that high-quality enterprises always choose a higher level of privacy protection and set higher product prices to obtain higher benefits. User privacy concerns and information security costs will directly affect the level of privacy protection, pricing and revenue of enterprises, and product quality differences play a regulatory role in its impact direction; Contrary to common sense, when the product quality varies greatly, the privacy protection level of low-quality enterprises is negatively correlated with user privacy concerns and positively correlated with information security cost; At the same time, only when the product quality difference is large, the profit of high-quality enterprises will be positively correlated with user privacy concerns and negatively correlated with information security cost. Finally, the government's measures to strengthen user privacy, pay attention to education investment and reduce the cost of enterprise information security, although there are different effects on different quality enterprises, it is conducive to improving the overall social welfare.