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发布时间:2022-11-21 浏览次数:





报告人1:王英力 8:30-9:30


Research on Flexible Sensors Used for in-situ Non-destructive Monitoring of Biological Information

摘要:智慧农业是十四五时期乃至2035年我国农业高质量发展的重要内容,传感器作为智慧农业的信息之源,在推动智慧农业发展中具有举足轻重的作用。而常规传感器件大都采用刚性材料制造,难以贴合生物体的表面,干扰生物正常生理过程,不能在生物体表面持续监测。因此,本研究选择了较低弹性模量的材料为基底构建柔性传感器,结合具备分子识别能力的表面增强拉曼散射(Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering, SERS)技术和无创样品提取技术,成功实现了体内微量化合物的实时动态检测。为了进一步拓展柔性传感器的应用范围,还引入了太赫兹(Terahertz, THz)技术,解决了该柔性SERS传感器难以直接检测微生物的技术难题,设计并制备了可用于检测微生物的智能包装,实现了致病菌生长和代谢过程的监测。以上研究结果为柔性光学传感器在生物体信息无损感知领域的应用提供理论基础与方法依据,为评估生物体健康状态提供了一种通用、灵敏的分子跟踪手段。

Developing smart agriculture is an important part of China’s high-quality agricultural development strategy during the 14th Five Year Plan period and even to 2035. As the source of information, sensors play a pivotal role in promoting the smart agriculture. However, most of the conventional sensing devices are made of rigid materials. It is difficult for these kinds of devices to coat the surface of the organism since they would interfere with the normal physiological process of the organism, which means they cannot be used for continuous monitoring on the surface of the organism. In this research, a material with a lower elastic modulus as the substrate to construct flexible sensor is adopted with the combination with the Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) technology capable of molecular recognition and non-invasive sample extraction technology, which makes the real-time dynamic detection of trace compounds in organism successful. In order to expand the application fields of flexible sensors further, terahertz (THz) technology is introduced to solve the technical problem that it is difficult to for flexible SERS sensor to detect microorganisms directly. Besides, an intelligent package that can be used to detect microorganisms is designed and fabricated, which realizes the monitoring of the growth and metabolic process of pathogenic bacteria. The research findings above-mentioned set a basis for the application of flexible optical sensors in non-destructive sensing of biological information theoretically and methodologically, and provide a general and sensitive method for molecular tracking in assessing the health status of organisms.

报告人2:张剑 9:30-10:30


Research on Equivalent Model of Wind Farm and Fast Optimization Method of Active Distribution Network


A large-scale wind farm connected to power grid brings about significant impact on stability of power system. In order to improve the simulation speed, it is of high value to study the equivalent model of wind farm. In one of the researches, in view of the fact that the traditional aggregation method cannot solve the problem of parameters variation after long-term operation of wind farms, a detailed equivalent model of Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIGs) wind farm and initialization method are developed. The trajectory sensitivity of parameters is analyzed. Parameters identification strategy is proposed that the non-time-varying parameters are fixed as aggregated values, while the Genetic Learning Particle Swarm Optimization (GLPSO) hybrid algorithm is used to identify time-varying parameters based on Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) data at the common interconnection point of wind farm. The robustness and adaptability of the equivalent model of DFIG wind farm under different wind speeds, wake effects, unknown wind speed, different short-circuit fault locations and voltage sags depth and when some DFIGs are off-line are analyzed. The simulation results using the Western Electricity Coordinating Council benchmark test system show that the global searching capability to find the optimal solution with the proposed method is much higher than canonical particle swarm optimization (PSO) and genetic algorithm (GA). Further, the biggest mismatch between the identification results using the proposed method and the true values is less than 10% for parameters with high sensitivity, which is much better than previous state-of-art work. On the other hand, active distribution network with a high proportion of renewable distributed generators and electric vehicles is an important way to achieve carbon neutralization. In the next decades, a large number of photovoltaic, wind generators and electric vehicles will be connected to China's distribution network. It will lead to frequent, violent and rapid voltage and current magnitudes as well as three-phase imbalance violations, seriously threatening safe and economic operation of distribution network. Moreover, with the progress of battery technology, a large number of electric vehicles will adopt fast charging mode. The electric vehicles will be fully charged in 5 to 10 minutes with maximum charging power up to hundreds of kilowatts, posing a great challenge to the computing rate of solving algorithm for distribution network optimization. To address these, in the researches, fast solving algorithms are proposed in three-phase load balancing, network reconfiguration, coordinated charging of electric vehicles and robust optimization of distribution systems, which can meet rolling optimization and real-time control requirements.

报告人3:朱谢飞 10:30-11:30


Research on value-added chemicals and carbon-based materials from biomass pyrolysis conversion


Biomass is an important renewable energy material that has received widespread attention because of its environmental friendliness, low cost and carbon neutrality. Biomass pyrolysis is one of the technologies for efficient conversion and utilization of biomass into various forms of energy and chemical products. In the presentation, work related to the preparation of high-value chemicals and energy materials based on efficient pyrolysis of agricultural and forestry biomass waste will be presented. High-quality syngas, biochar and aromatics and phenols are co-produced through the synergistic conversion of carbon-based resources. In addition, further upgrading of pyrolysis products by torrefaction deoxidation coupled with fractional condensation is explored and the enrichment mechanism of high value-added products such as phenols is clarified, providing a theoretical basis for the preparation of multi-grade bio-oil and high value-added chemicals from biomass pyrolysis. Further, the carbon footprint of the biomass pyrolysis utilization process is assessed using a life cycle assessment to explore the negative carbon potential of biomass pyrolysis utilization. On this basis, a variety of functional porous biochar preparation paths are constructed, the physicochemical properties and CO2 capture capacity of the functional biochar are studied, and the CO2 adsorption mechanism of porous biochar is clarified, which is beneficial to provide ideas for the preparation of carbon-based adsorbents using biomass.