报告人1:张树雄 8:10-8:50
On large deviation probabilities for empirical distribution of branching random walks with heavy tails

报告人3:袁佩佩 9:30-10:10
英文题目:Correntropy-based Sparse Additive Machine: Generalization Analysis and Applications
Sparse additive machines have shown competitive performance on variable selection and classification in high dimensional data due to their representation flexibility and interpretability. However, the existing methods often employ the unbounded or non-smooth functions as the surrogates of 0-1 classification loss, which may encounter the degraded performance for data with non-Gaussian noises or outliers. To alleviate this problem, we propose a robust statistical learning method, named sparse additive machine with the correntropy-induced loss (CSAM), by integrating the correntropy-induced loss, the data-dependent hypothesis space and the sparse L(q,1)-norm regularizer into additive machines. In theory, the generalization error bound andthevariable selection consistency are established. In applications, experimental evaluations on both synthetic and real world data sets consistently validate the effectiveness and robustness of CSAM. In addition, some related work about the average top-k sparse additve machine and fairness with additve models will be briefly introduced.
报告人4:李歌 10:10-10:50
Asymptotic behavior of two classes of dynamical systems with small random perturbations
Random perturbations are ubiquitous in nature, and studying the asymptotic behavior of dynamical systems under random perturbations has always been one of the hotspots and difficulties in the field of mathematics and engineering. When the magnitude of the perturbation is small, but it can affect the behavior of a dynamical system, it is very meaningful to study dynamical systems under small random perturbations. This dissertation studies the asymptotic behavior of two classes of dynamical systems with small random perturbations. One is to study the effect of coupling strength and small noise strength on the synchronized system, and the other is to study the effect of small mass and small noise strength on the second-order McKean-Vlasov stochastic systems, including their central limit theorem, large deviations principle and moderate deviations principle, etc.
报告人5:张玉越 2:10-2:50
Bifurcation analysis of a predator-prey model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response and predator competition
In this paper, we consider a predator-prey model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response and predator competition, which is a five-parameter family of planar vector field. It is shown that the model can undergo a sequence of bifurcations including focus type degenerate Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation of codimension 3 and Hopf bifurcation of codimension at least 2 as the parameters vary. Our theoretical results indicate that predator competition can cause richer dynamics such as two limit cycles enclosing one or three hyperbolic positive equilibria and three kinds of homoclinic orbits (homoclinic to hyperbolic saddle, saddle-node, or neutral saddle). Moreover, there exists a threshold valuem_0for predator capturing ratem, below or equal to which the predators always tend to extinction, above which the predators and preys will coexist in the form of multiple steady states or periodic oscillations for all positive initial populations. Numerical simulations are presented to illustrate the theoretical results.
报告人6:李梅 2:50-3:30
Differentially private decentralized learning framework
Decentralized learning has been hugely successful, which minimizes a finite sum of expected objective functions over a network of nodes. However, the local communication across neighbouring nodes in the network may lead to the leakage of private information. To address this challenge, we propose a general differentially private (DP) learning framework for decentralized data that applies to many non-smooth learning problems. We show that the proposed algorithm retains the performance guarantee in terms of stability, generalization, and finite sample performance. We investigate the impact of local privacy-preserving computation on the global DP guarantee. Further, we extend the discussion by adopting a new class of noise-adding DP mechanisms based on generalized Gaussian distributions to improve the utility-privacy trade-offs. Our numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm and its better performance over the state-of-the-art baseline methods in various decentralized settings.
报告人7:王超 3:30-4:10
Booosting Methods Never Overfit on Separable Data
摘要:Boosting算法自被提出以来就受到极大的关注,被广泛应用于经济、生物、模式识别等领域。最近一系列的研究工作指出Boosting算法所得到的预测器总是渐近收敛到最大分类边界。说明,其所得预测器总是渐近抗过拟合的。但是,这并没有回答预测器在有限迭代步骤内的表现是否过拟合。在本文中,我们证明了最常用的Boosting算法,Discrete AdaBoost在可分数据集上不会过拟合。即当迭代步骤时,经验风险和犯法误差收敛速率为。当迭代步骤超过时,泛化误差将停留在一个固定水平。最后,我们用数值实验验证了理论的正确性。
The Boosting algorithm has received great attention since it was proposed, and has been widely used in the fields of finance, biology, and pattern recognition. A series of recent works pointed out that the predictors obtained by the boosting algorithms asymptotically converge to the max-margin predictor. As a consequence, the predictors is asymptotically non-overfitting. However, it does not answer whether they will be overfitting, after a finite number of iterations. In this paper, we shown that the most commonly used version of Boosting algorithm, Discrete Adaboost does not overfit on separable datasets. That’s the empirical risk and generalization error decrease by the rate O˜(1/γ2T), when T≤m. After iterations T≈m, the generalization error remain a fixed level of O˜(1/γ2m), regardless of how large T is. Finally, numerical experiments are designed to verify the theoretical results on real-world datasets
报告人8:罗元 4:10-4:50
Newton-Raphson meets sparsity: Sparse learning via a novel penalty and a fast solver
摘要:在机器学习和统计学中,惩罚回归方法是高维稀疏数据分析中变量选择(或特征选择)的主要工具。由于常用的最小绝对收缩和选择算子(LASSO)、平滑裁剪绝对偏差(SCAD)和极大极小凹惩罚(MCP)等,相关阈值算子都是具有不光滑性,经典的Newton-Raphson算法无法使用。在我们的文章里,我们提出具有光滑性的阈值算子CHIP。在理论上,我们建立了CHIP惩罚高维线性回归的全局最小值的非渐近估计误差界。此外,我们还证明了估计支持度与目标支持度的高概率重合。推导了CHIP惩罚估计的KKT条件,提出了基于牛顿-Raphson (SDNR)算法求解的支持度检测方法。仿真研究表明,该方法在有限样本范围内具有良好的性能。并以实际数据为例说明了方法的应用。
In machine learning and statistics, the penalized regression methods are main tools for variable selection (or feature selection) in high-dimensional sparse data analysis. Due to the non-smoothness of the associated thresholding operators of commonly used penalties such as the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), the smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) and the minimax concave penalty (MCP), the classical Newton-Raphson algorithm cannot be used. In this paper, we propose a cubic Hermite interpolation penalty (CHIP) with a smoothing thresholding operator. Theoretically, we establish the non-asymptotic estimation error bounds for the global minimizer of the CHIP penalized high-dimensional linear regression. Moreover, we show that the estimated support coincides with the target support with high probability. We derive the KarushKuhnTucker (KKT) condition for the CHIP penalized estimator and then develop a support detection based Newton Raphson (SDNR) algorithm to solve it. Simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed method performs well in a wide range of fifinite sample situations. We also illustrate the application of our method with a real data example.